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School Privacy Options

There are three privacy settings that you can set according to the needs of your organization.

By default, private sharing links can be opened by anyone who has the link. This option allows you to restrict the visibility of score private links. To view private sharing links created in your organization, people will need to be connected and part of your school.

Collaboration with external users

Allow your users to invite external Flat users to collaborate on their music scores. Your users' profile information will be anonymized. This feature is disabled by default.

Automatically accept score invitations

Shared scores will be available in the users' accounts without having to manually approve each invitation. This feature is enabled by default, as we know many students manually share scores with their teachers and classmates and this will save you some time.

If you choose to disable this feature, you will receive notifications where you can manually accept an invitation to join a shared score:

Manually accept a score invitation

Comment restrictions

This allows you to set comment restrictions for all Flat users in your organization.

  • Everybody can comment: This is the default setting. There are no restrictions, everybody can create a new comment thread or reply to an existing comment.
  • Students can reply to teachers: With this mode, only teachers can start a new comment thread. Students can only reply to the comments initiated by the teachers.
  • Nobody can comment: With this mode, nobody in your organization can start a comment thread or reply to an existing comment.

Domain names

If you're using restrictive firewall or proxy server settings, you or your network admin will need to allow (whitelist) certain domains to ensure Flat and related services work as expected.

Allow these domains for Flat and related services:


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