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Assign & Schedule Assignments

Once you've created an assignment and saved it to your Resource Library, you can easily reuse it across multiple classes.

How to Assign an Assignment:

  1. Locate the assignment: Go to the Resource Library and select the desired assignment.
  2. Choose classes: Click "Use in Class" and select the class(es) that should receive the assignment.
  3. Schedule and assign:
    • Publication Date: Set the date and time when the assignment will become available to students (the default is "Now").
    • Due Date: Set a deadline for students to submit their work.
    • Assign Students: Select individual students or groups to receive the assignment. You can also provide the assignment to all students in the class.
    • Bulk Assignment: When assigning to multiple classes, use the checkbox to apply the same publication and/or due date to all selected classes.
  4. Publish: Click "Publish" to assign the assignment to the selected class(es).

Assign work to class(es)

Assigning to individual students or groups

You can easily use specific assignments with individual students or groups within a class. This is helpful for creating differentiated learning experiences.

  • Select Students: When dispatching the assignment to a class, click on the pen icon to select the specific students or groups that will receive the assignment.

Assign work to individual students or groups

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