Flat for Education Help > Student view for teachers

Student view for teachers

As soon as your students have an account on the platform, they will be able to create a score and practice on their own. This section is meant to help you understand what they will see while you interact with them.

You can also experiment with a student testing account; learn more about the "View as student" feature below.

We will show what they see when:

Class and student stream

When you add a student to a class, they will see it in their dashboard view.

Student classes

From this view, they will be able to open a class and see everything shared in it.

Class Stream

Once a class is open, the student will be able to see ongoing assignments, if there are any. They will also be able to see the different posts written by the teacher.

Work on an assignment

From the class view, a student can decide to start or continue a given assignment. Let's say that they click on the "First assignment" shown on the screen above.

In this view, the student will be able to read the teacher's instructions and click on "Start assignment".

Assignment details

Hint: When they start a new assignment, a score will be automatically created and named in their library.

Score assignment

Once the student is done with the assignment, they can press turn in.

Turn in default

The information will be automatically added; the student can leave a comment about their work for the teacher to read when reviewing.

For students working on mobile devices (tablet or phones), the "Turn in" button will be located on the sidebar of the assignment.

Turn in mobile

Turn in an existing score for an assignment

Most of the time a student will start an assignment with a new score or template that you've shared with them. In some cases, they might need to send a score they already have in their account, or an extra score. Here is a complete breakdown of how to do it.

First, they need to open their Flat account, choosing the class and then the assignment as shown above. Once they arrive on the assignment page, they will see the "Your work" section on the right side of the page or below the instructions.

Your work

They can click on "Add an existing score" and choose your score from their library.

Started assignment

Then click on "Turn in" to send their work. That's all! You'll receive a notification and will be able to review their work.

Turned in assignment

Edit a submitted assignment

Once the student has turned in the assignment, they will be able to edit it and add pre-existing or new scores to the assignment. To do so, they must go to the desired assignment, click on edit, make the necessary changes and click on "Turn in" again.

Edit a submitted assignment

Student preview

On the classes and assignments pages, you have a "Student preview" button. You can use it to view an assignment just like your students would. This test account has all the same features as a standard Flat for Education account. You will be able to use the editor, open and turn in assignments, answer worksheets, send test grades, etc.

Student Preview button in classes navigation

This feature is perfect if you want to see how your students will experience Flat for Education, how the editor will be displayed if you use some customized toolsets or locked score templates or to try a generated worksheet.

Student preview button

While using a student testing account, you will have a bar at the bottom of your screen with the ability to go back to your teacher account ("Leave student preview") and reset the test account (for example if you want to start over with a brand-new student account).

Student preview banner

These accounts don't use any licenses so you can use them as much as you want. They are displayed as regular students in the classes they are enrolled in, and you can delete them like any other account.

List of students with a test student account

We've also created this manual for you to download and share with your students!

Student Manual

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