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Review & Grade Assignments

Once you've posted an assignment and added students to your class, they can begin working on their tasks in Flat for Education.

Monitoring Student Progress

The assignments dashboard, located inside each class, provides a real-time overview of your students' progress across all assignments. You'll see their current status updated instantly as they work, eliminating the need for constant page refreshes.

Reviewing and Grading:

Flat for Education offers convenient review and grading options.

  • Access student work: Click on any assignment to view details and access individual student submissions.
  • Real-time Feedback: Observe students working in real-time, provide direct feedback on their scores, and see their responses instantly.
  • Easy Grading: Give out grades directly within Flat for Education.
    • LMS Integration: If your assignment is linked to Google Classroom, MS Teams or other Learning Management Systems (LMS) like Canvas, Schoology, MusicFirst, or Moodle, grades are automatically synchronized with your LMS gradebook.
  • Export Grades: Easily export student grades as a Microsoft Excel or CSV spreadsheet for record-keeping or further analysis.
  • Worksheet Analytics: Auto-graded worksheets have their own analytics tab! Read more about it here.

If you want to review all the turned-in assignments within a class, you can go to the "Reviews" tab for that class. It will display all the pending reviews and give a direct link to the review page mentioned above.

Review assignments

Assignment Statuses Explained

While reviewing assignments, you may see the following statuses:

  • Not Started – The student has not yet opened the assignment.
  • Started – The student has begun working on the assignment.
  • Turned In – The student has submitted the assignment for teacher review.
  • Graded – The assignment has been reviewed and graded.

Submission History

To view a student’s version history:

  1. Navigate to the "Students' Work" tab.
  2. Click the three dots next to the student’s name and select "Submission History."
  3. Alternatively, open the assignment and check the sidebar for submission details.

Submission History for assignments

Returning Student Work

After reviewing and providing feedback, click "Return" to send the assignment back to the student.

Resetting Student Submissions

To allow a student to redo an assignment:

  1. Go to the "Students' Work" tab within the assignment.
  2. Click "Reset Student Work" to erase the current progress and allow the student to start over.

Reset student work for assignments

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