Comece facilmente e descubra ótimas ferramentas para crescer como compositor.
Comece facilmente e descubra ótimas ferramentas para crescer como compositor.
Flat permite que você crie, edite, reproduza, imprima e exporte suas partituras e tablaturas.
Aqui está tudo o que você precisa para levar suas composições ao próximo nível.
Flat é uma comunidade vibrante de compositores de todos os cantos do mundo.
Você tem uma pergunta sobre o Flat, nosso editor, plataforma ou sua conta? Encontre respostas aqui.
Incorpore partituras interativas perfeitamente em seus sites, blogs e aplicativos.
Descubra nossos recursos dedicados para desenvolvedores para usar e integrar nossas API's e incorporação de notação musical.
Encontre as respostas para as perguntas mais frequentes
We are excited to share the start of our biggest update this year! We begin with the audio and present to you our new playback engine, featuring a range of new features designed to bring your music to life like never before. This update delivers richer sound quality, smoother transitions, and enhanced dynamics. Let's explore the key changes and see how these enhancements will elevate your music to new heights. 🚀🚀🚀 *Note: We're starting to roll out this amazing update to the web app first! Th
66 min read
Hello everyone, We're excited to keep you updated on the latest enhancements on Flat. Over the next few months, our tech team will be dedicating their efforts to significantly boosting the performance of our editor. With your invaluable feedback as our guide, we're committed to transforming Flat into a top-tier tool for music composition. During this period, we'll offer additional tips and insights on how to make the most of our most popular features, aiming to elevate your music creation exper
5 min read
At Tutteo, we love finding new ways to connect with our amazing community of music lovers. That’s why we’re excited to announce our affiliate program for musicians and music teachers! This program lets you share Flat and Flat for Education with others while earning money. If you have a blog, a YouTube channel, or teach music online, this is perfect for you. Are you interested? Keep reading 👀. Why Join Our Affiliate Program? 💰 Earn Money with Commissions As an affiliate, you can earn 2
3 min read