Features & CapabilitiesDocumentParts and InstrumentsLayoutDocumentIconFeatureUndo / Redo an actionCopy, Cut and PasteRange selectionParts and InstrumentsIconFeatureAdd, Remove and Re-order partsShow or Hide parts when working on your sheet musicRename partsTablature: Tuning and CapoBracketsKodály notationCreating and saving Custom Instruments configurationsTranspose a part from one instrument to anotherLayout and StylesIconFeatureAdd or change the Title, Subtitle, License, Composer or LyricistPage size, orientation, margins and pages numbersStaves size and spacing between parts and stavesHide non playing instrumentsNumber of measures per system and notes spacingMeasures numbersAutomatic modes for Notes Heads: Boomwhackers, Notes Names, Shape note (Aiken)Music fontText stylesSave and reuse score layout as templates