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Flat > Music Fonts

Music Fonts

Flat includes two different music fonts that can be used to display your sheet music: Classical and Jazz/Handwritten.

To customize the music font used in your score, open the Layout Settings, next to the print button.

On our desktop web app, this is usually located on the right of your screen, or in the "Document" toolbar. On our mobile app, click on the edit button on the top of your screen.

Layout settings button

Choose the music font

In the Layout settings, scroll to Music font and choose the font you want to use for your sheet music.

Changing the music font

At this time, there are 12 music fonts available.

Implementation notes

In 2015 we implemented SMuFL (Standard Music Font Layout) in our music engraving engine and started using Bravura, a classic font developed by Steinberg and released under the SIL Open Font License.

In February 2019 we added Petaluma to Flat, a Handwritten music font, also developed and open-sourced by Steinberg under the SIL Open Font License.

In November 2023, we added many other Music Fonts to Flat.

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