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Flat > Add dynamics

Add dynamics

Dynamics in music notation are symbols that indicate the volume or intensity of a musical passage. They provide essential instructions to musicians, helping them understand how loud or soft to play a particular section. Common dynamic markings include "piano" (soft), "forte" (loud), and a range of variations in between. These markings contribute to the overall expression and emotion conveyed in the music.

To add dynamics to your score, place yourself, go to the Dynamics toolbar and then select the right dynamic. To remove the dynamic, just click on the same icon one more time.

Add dynamics

How to change the position of the dynamic

To position the dynamic above the staff, simply drag and drop it.

How to change the position of the dynamic

Playback interpretation notes

  • Dynamic markings are used to change the volume and intensity of all the notes from its location in the staff. It means that the note at the dynamic location as well as all the notes that follow will be played with the same volume and intensity, until a different dynamic marking is reached.
  • For most instruments, dynamics will only affect the volume at which the notes are played. However, Flat also offer many HQ instruments that often includes up to 3 dynamics level to also change the intensity at which the notes are played. You can find the full list of HQ instruments on this dedicated help page.
  • A dynamic marking only changes the playback of the staff it is attached to. If you want the dynamics to change the playback of two or more staves you will have to set a dynamic marking for each of these staves.
  • The default dynamic, although not shown on the score, is mp.

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