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Flat > Tie two notes

Tie two notes


FeatureToolbarIconKeyboard Shortcut
Flip TieNoteFlip TieNone

What is a tie?

A Tie is a line connecting two notes of the same pitch, played as one note. The duration of the note equals the sum of the rhythmic values of the two tied notes.

How to tie notes?

Input two notes of the same pitch with the duration you want. Then select the first note. Click on the tying tool to bind the two given notes. To remove a tie, click again on the same icon.

If you are trying to tie notes that don't have the same pitch, you are probably looking for a slur instead.

Tie notes

It also works on chords. Tie chords

When you click on the tie button, the editor will only connect the heads of the chord that can be tied. Tie chords

How to change the direction of a tie

Select the note-head on the lefthand side of the tie. There, click on the tie button in the toolbar. You will then be able to click on the button to change the direction of the tie starting at this note-head.

Tie notes

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