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List of jazz chords on Flat

Chords on Flat are composed of several elements:

  • A root note
  • A kind (Major, minor, diminished..)
  • An optional "alt" for altered
  • An optional bass note for inversions

Root note

To input a chord on Flat, you must first enter the root note. To do so, input the letter, and then enter b if you want the root note to be flat, or # if you want the chord to be sharp. You can also input double accidentals with bb or ##.

Different roots


Here is how you can input if the chord is Major, minor, diminished, Dominant, and so on. You will find below the list of chords supported by Flat, using C as a root. We not storing just the text, but also the semantic of the chord to provide audio playback. If one chord you would like to use is missing from this list, please contact our product team and we will add it.

2 notes chords

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance

Triad chords

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance
MajorC or CmajC E GC
minorCm or Cmin or C-C Eb GCm
diminishedCdimC Eb GbCdim
AugmentedCaug or C+C E G#Caug
Suspended 2ndCsus2 or C(sus2)C D GCsus2
Suspended 4thCsus4 or C(sus4)C F GCsus4

4 notes chords

Dominant 7 chords

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance
Dominant 7thC7C E G BbC7
Major 7thCmaj7C E G BCmaj7
minor 7thCm7C Eb G BbCm7
minor Major 7thCmmaj7 or Cm(maj7)C Eb G BCmmaj7
Augmented 7thC+7C E G# B#C+7
diminished 7thCdim7C Eb Gb ACdim7
half-diminished 7thC1/2dim7C Eb Gb BbChdim7
minor 7th flat 5Cm7(b5)C Eb Gb BbCm7b5
minor 7th sharp 5Cm7(#5)C Eb Gb B#Cm7#5
7th flat 5C7(b5)C E Gb BbC7b5
7th sharp 5C7(#5) or C7+5C E G# BbC7#5
Major 7th flat 5Cmaj7(b5)C E Gb BCmaj7b5
Major 7th sharp 5Cmaj7(#5)C E G# BCmaj7#5

Dominant 6 chords

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance
Major 6thC6C E G AC6
minor 6thCm6C Eb G ACm6

Triads with added degrees

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance
add 2C(add2) or C2C D E GC2
add 9C(add9)C E G DCadd9
add 4C(add4)C E F GCadd4
minor add 9Cm(add9)C Eb G DCmadd9
Augmented add 9C+(add9)C E G# DC+add9
Augmented flat 9C+(b9)C E G# DbC+b9
Augmented sharp 9C+(#9)C E G# D#C+#9
Augmented Major 7thC+maj7C E G# BC+maj7

Other chords

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance
Dominant 9th, omit 5C9(omit5)C E Bb DC9omit5

5 notes chords

Dominant 9 chords

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance
Dominant 9thC9C E G Bb DC9
minor 9thCm9C Eb G Bb DCm9
Major 9thCmaj9C E G B DCmaj9
Augmented 9thC+9C E G# Bb DC+9
diminished 9thCdim9C Eb Gb A DCdim9
half diminished 9thC1/2dim9C Eb Gb Bb DChdim9
minor Major 9thCm(maj9)C Eb G B DCmmaj9
Dominant 9th flat 5C9(b5)C E Gb Bb DC9b5
Dominant 9th suspended 4thC9(sus4)C F G Bb DC9sus4
minor 9th flat 5Cm9(b5)C Eb Gb Bb DCm9b5

Other chords

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance
6th/9thC69C E G A DC69
7th flat 9C7(b9)C E G Bb DbC7b9
7th flat 5 flat 9C7(b5b9)C E Gb Bb DbC7b5b9
7th sharp 9C7(#9)C E G Bb D#C7#9
7th flat 11C7(b11)C E G Bb FbC7b11
7th sharp 11C7(#11)C E G Bb F#C7#11
7th add 13C7(13)C E G Bb AC713
7th flat 13C7(b13)C E G Bb AbC7b13
7th sharp 13C7(#13)C E G Bb A#C7#13
minor 7th add 4Cm7(add4)C Eb F G BbCm7add4
minor 7th add 13Cm7(13)C Eb G Bb ACm713
Major 7th sharp 11Cmaj7(#11))C E G B F#Cmaj7#11

6 notes chords

Dominant 11 chords

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance
Dominant 11thC11C E G Bb D FC11
minor 11thCm11C Eb G Bb D FCm11
Major 11thCmaj11C E G B D FCmaj11
minor 11th flat 5Cm11(b5)C Eb Gb Bb D FCm11b5

Other chords

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance
Major 7th sharp 9 sharp 11Cmaj7(#9#11)C E G B D# F#Cmaj7#9#11
Major 7th sharp 9 flat 13Cmaj7(#9b13)C E G B D# AbCmaj7#9b13
Dominant 9th sharp 11C9(#11)C E G Bb D F#C9#11
Dominant 9th flat 13C9(b13)C E G Bb D A#C9b13
Dominant 9th sus 4 add 13C9(sus4,13)C F G Bb D AC9sus413
Major 9th sharp 11Cmaj9(#11)C E G B D F#Cmaj9#11

7 notes chords

Dominant 13 chords

Chord nameinput in FlatnotesAppearance
Dominant 13thC13C E G Bb D F AC13
minor 13thCm13C Eb G Bb D F ACm13
Major 13thCmaj13C E G B D F ACmaj13
Dominant 13th flat 5C13(b5)C E Gb Bb D F AC13b5
Dominant 13th sharp 11C13(#11)C E G Bb D F# AC13#11
Dominant 13th sharp 5 sharp 9C13(#5#9)C E G# Bb D# F A
Major 13th flat 5Cmaj13(b5)C E Gb B D F ACmaj13b5


You need to type alt if you want the chord to be alternate. For instance: C7altC7alt

Bass inversion

When you have a bass inversion, you can write a /, then the bass in the same way you have been inputting the root. For instance: C/E, or C#/E#. Bass inversions

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