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Add Roman numeral notation


FeatureToolbarIconDefault Keyboard shortcut
Roman NumeralsTextDotCtrl + Shift + K or + Shift + K

What is Roman Numeral Analysis?

Roman numeral analysis is a way to represent chords based on the key signature. The Roman numeral shows the degree of the key that serves as a root for the chord. For instance, if you use the key of C, the first Roman numeral I will be a C. Then II will be a D, then III an E and so on.

Here is an image of the complete C major scale, with notes, jazz and Roman numeral notation.

C Major Scale

Getting started with Roman numerals on Flat

To start inputting chords below your music notations, select the note where you want to start adding your chord, then open the "Text" toolbar and click on the Classic Chord icon; alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+K.

A dialog box will appear at the selected location. From here you can input the Roman numeral.

We have two methods of input, one a unique text input, and the other a step-by-step system. You can change between the two systems with this button:

Changing the roman numerals input system

Unique text input

You can freely input Roman numerals in the text input. The Roman numerals understood by the system will be displayed on the left of the input. When you are happy with the result, you can press Enter to insert the Roman numeral in the score and move on to the next position.

Roman numerals input with text system

You can navigate in the score using the left/right arrows, which will change the selected position when at the edge of the text input.

You can also remove a Roman numeral by completely erasing the content in the text input, then pressing backspace one more time.

Here are the types of text you can insert:


  • I - Major
  • ii - minor
  • iiio - diminished
  • IV+ - augmented

Triad inversions

  • I6 - 1st inversion
  • I64 - 2nd inversion


  • I7 - dominant
  • ii7 - minor 7th
  • IIIM7 - major 7th
  • ivM7 - minor major 7th
  • vo7 - diminished 7th
  • vi1/27 - half diminished 7th
  • VII+7 - augmented 7th

Seventh inversions

  • I65 - 1st inversion
  • I43 - 2nd inversion
  • I42 or I2 - 3rd inversion


  • bI
  • IIb
  • III#
  • #IV

Secondary dominants

  • v/IV


  • N
  • N6

Step-by-step input

With this input method, you edit each part of the Roman numeral separately: the root, the quality, the inversion. On desktop, you will have the possibility of using a text input as well, while on mobile devices you will have to rely on the buttons only.

Inputing Roman Numerals

Choice of degree

First you need to choose the degree that will be the root of the chord. You also have the possibility of selecting an alteration for the root.

Choice of Degree

If you're working on a desktop, you can input the degree and the alteration directly in the provided text input, typing things like:

  • IV
  • iii
  • II#
  • iib
  • N

Choice of quality

Now you can select the quality of the chord.

Choice of Quality

On a desktop, you can input the quality in the provided text input. You can type things like:

  • Maj
  • dim7
  • Aug
  • m

Choice of inversion

The next step is the choice of inversion for the chord.

Choice of Inversion

On a desktop, you can input the inversion in the provided text input. You can add things like:

  • 42
  • 64
  • 65

Choice of secondary dominant

If you need to input a secondary dominant, you can click on "Add /". Then you will be able to select the degree to which the chord will be relative.

Choice of secondary dominant

The input works the same way as for the choice of degree.


Neapolitan chords are built from a major triad, whose root note is the lowered second degree of the scale. Neapolitan Chords In this example, we are in the key of C. Thus the root note of the major triad is a D flat.

You can input these chords by selecting the "N" in the Choice of Degree step.


Go to the next stepSpace
Add a secondary dominant/
Validate the edited Roman numeralEnter
Remove the edited Roman numeralCtrl + Delete (on empty text input)
Go to the next Roman numeralCtrl +
Go to the previous Roman numeralCtrl +
Exit the dialogEsc

Future development

Our next goals for Roman numerals are Augmented 6th (It/Fr/Ger+6), key signature and pivot chords!

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